Saturday 30 January 2010


A few months ago I decided to have a go at creating a pop-up book. No idea why, the idea just appeared and stuck there. But what should it be about? I spoke to my agent and he advised to keep it simple. The more complicated it is the more it will cost to produce and so no one will consider publishing. I thought about creating my own character like Fungus the Bogeyman, or using the work I've done on developing a cartoon book based on Lewis Carols Jabberwocky poem (more of that in a later post). But nothing seemed to fit the pop-up genre. Then I remembered my old chemistry lessons. Our teacher had placed to one slide a large pile of magnesium for a later experiment we were all going to do. Before that he had a demonstration set up to show what happens when potasium hits water - lots of fizzing and an explosion of blue sparks. It may have been us egging him on, but I think he used a bit too much cesium. A spark flew gracfully through the air to land on the magnesium which exploded into a six-foot flame which licked about the top of the ceiling. It was quickly over, leaving a large hole in the wooden table and a class covered in magnesium oxide. Not surprisingly this moment has stuck firmly in my memory and I realised what a great way to indtroduce chemsitry to the 8-12 age group - explosions! And explosions would look good in pop-up form.

I am currently developing a demo version for my agent to take to the London Book Fair. I've drawn up two reactions: Sodium and Iodine above and Caesium with water to the left. Not being a chemist I found YouTube and brilliant place to find examples of people creating explosions! I've got a month to finish the demo book and then its sitting back and seeing what people with the power to publish think about the idea.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Political Cartoons

This is my first attempt at a political cartoon. With still months to go before an election I just wish Gordon Brown would put us all out of our misery and call the date so we can get it over and done with. However he doesn't seem to like elections so I've used this as the subject matter of this cartoon. I did send to off to the Daily Mail as they like a bit of Brown bashing - never heard anything.

Sunday 10 January 2010

Helpful Cat

The snow is still here after almost a week, so plenty of time to get a helpful cat toon drawn up. This was quite an easy one to think up and my old cat used to fall off the conservatory roof all the time.
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